Warranty Expired so let’s upgrade

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Warranty Expired so let’s upgrade

Post by Asvpwes »

Awe Gents,

Wes here from CT. I have a 2020 AW Polo GTI, as the title says my warranty has officially expired this year and I’d like to enjoy the car with a few mods for a year or 2 before upgrading. I’m somewhat clueless when it comes to VW mods (Previously had a Fiesta ST180) so will be looking to this forum for some guidance.

Otherwise, glad to be a part of the community and hopefully you gents can steer me in the right direction. With that being said, I’ve just ordered a Full Turbo back Exhaust and Tune from Wulfchiptegnik, question - Would it be recommended to do a TCU tune at the same time? It’s currently on special @ R4150, so not cheap just wondering whether it’ll actually be worth it and save me from any DSG problems in future.

Thanks in advance for any welcomes and feedback
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