Ribcage Rims (Widen or Leave?)

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Ribcage Rims (Widen or Leave?)

Post by FOXBOY »

I have a set of 14" ronal r8 ribcages on my mk2. They have been painted silver by the previous owner and they have a dull sh*tty concrete looking finish.
I want to get them widened to 7j/8j with 205/60s but I am not well informed on the process or potential results of this decision.
The idea is to either polish the whole thing with the new piece or paint the new piece silver too.
I would not be able to abide having a polished lip/dish with dull/matte silver spokes.
Has anyone done this before, or does anyone have pictures or advice about this?
Also contacts if you have them pls
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Re: Ribcage Rims (Widen or Leave?)

Post by marzbars »

You can always get them stepped up and split, like RyanH
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